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Stof's 2023 carbon footprint – Business travels questionnaire

Business trips are all trips that are not between your home and your usual work site(s), i.e. to : - Visit a client
- Visit a service provider
- Go at an event
- Travel from a company site to another one
This business trips can be local, regionl, national or international.
Estimate the distances from your travel habits, and add the big events where you went for work.
If you don't know the exact answer to a question, don't get bogged down and enter the order of magnitude that seems closest to reality.

In the following questions, you will be asked to enter monetary amounts: what currency will you use to answer these questions?

In the following questions, you will be asked to enter monetary amounts: what currency will you use to answer these questions?

1. Taxi and rental car

Did you use taxi for business trips during the year of the carbon footprint ?

Did you use taxi for business trips during the year of the carbon footprint ?

Did you make any business trips in a short-term rental car during the year under review?

Did you make any business trips in a short-term rental car during the year under review?

2. High-speed train and long distances train

Did you use high speed trains/long distance trains for business trips during the year of the carbon footprint ?

Did you use high speed trains/long distance trains for business trips during the year of the carbon footprint ?

3. Plane

Did you use plane for business trips during the year of the carbon footprint ?

Did you use plane for business trips during the year of the carbon footprint ?