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Acuitis needs your input!

As part of its low-carbon transition, your client is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by calculating its carbon footprint with Aktio. This approach involves the mobilisation of all its suppliers.

As 's supplier, your greenhouse gas emissions will be included in their carbon footprint. Your involvement, by answering the questionnaire below, is therefore essential to obtain an accurate and complete measurement of 's carbon footprint.

Filling the questionnaire

This questionnaire has 4 sections:
1. General Information
2. Your carbon footprint
3. Your client's GHG emissions
4. Your action plan
Only questions marked with * are mandatory.
You can leave the questionnaire while it's being completed and return to it later, as your answers will be saved.
Once your data has been submitted, it cannot be modified. If you still wish to modify an answer, please contact us.


The information provided in this questionnaire will be used strictly for the calculation of 's carbon footprint. Details of your answers will not be shared publicly.
If you have any questions, please contact the carbon footprint project manager of : -
Thank you for your participation !